Long Exposures at Botany Bay

Long Exposures at Botany Bay
Cost: $295/person
CNPA/NANPA Discount: $280
Deposits available
When: May 9th and 10th
May 9th from 10-5
May 10th from 9-12.
Where: Class will be held at a local hotel conference room…yet to be confirmed.
Long exposure photography allows for unique and creative expression. It enables photographers to capture scenes in a way that the human eye cannot perceive, such as blurring motion, creating light trails, or capturing the passage of time. Learning this technique can be challenging, but it also encourages experimentation and exploration. Photographers can try different exposure times, settings, and subjects, leading to a deeper understanding of their equipment and creative vision.
You will be presented with a Keynote/Power Point style presentation that covers all the information necessary to start creating your own dynamic imagery. We’ll explore equipment options in class so that you can gain the knowledge you need to make the best choices in purchasing filters in the future.
For the field session, we will head to the historic Botany Bay Heritage Plantation and Boneyard Beach. We’ll take advantage of the afternoon light and the low tide to allow for plenty of time to practice your newly acquired skills. Botany Bay beach is no longer accessible at high tide and I have chosen these dates to give all of you the best opportunities for success. Take these new skills with you and practice them on your next adventure.
On MAY 10th, we’ll have a follow up classroom session where we will edit our new photos in both Lightroom and Photoshop. I will be demonstrating some advanced Photoshop Layers skills. You may choose to follow along or simply watch and learn. This is where the problem solving and real magic will occur.
**The May 10th class session is not a full length or beginner Photoshop Layers class. It is intended for intermediate photographers with a basic understanding of PS Layers.**
What You’ll Learn
How to achieve a long exposure without filters
When you’ll need a Neutral Density filter to get a long exposure.
The Pro’s and Con’s of different types of Neutral Density Filters.
The newest technologies in ND filters
Types of filters to avoid because they’re not worth the money.
How to plan your shot before you start reaching for filters.
How to calculate proper exposure times for any filter you use
The proper sequence, step by step, to capture long exposures in the field.
You’ll see a short demonstration of combining images in post processing to avoid some of the pitfalls of long exposures.
You’ll be exposed to some of the creative things you can do with your long exposure images in Adobe Photoshop.
What To Bring?
Your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera
A tripod
A remote release (optional) or know where your cameras’ self timer is and how to use it.
Your Mobile Phone
Computer, Tablet, or Notepad to take notes in class
Sunglasses or a hat,
Bug spray and Sunscreen
Comfortable walking shoes that can get wet,
A rain jacket,
Water and/or snacks.
What filter should I buy before attending?
NONE! I do not want you investing in gear that you may decide, after the workshop, that you will not need or use. Part of this workshop is teaching you what to buy and what not to buy so you don’t waste money in the long run.
I’m a total beginner, is this workshop right for me?
Not likely. A good understanding of Manual Exposure is beneficial, if not necessary, for this workshop. This technique is considered an intermediate to advanced photography technique.
Will we cover post processing?
Yes. We will cover some basic processing in Lightroom and delve into the benefits of Photoshop Layers to combine short and long exposures for creative freedom and problem solving. A three hour session is set aside for this purpose.